Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Believe in Him

   Today's Story is based on the trust how we have in God.

A man just got married and was returning home with his wife. They were crossing a lake in a boat when suddenly a great storm arose.  

The man was a warrior, but the woman became very much afraid because it seemed almost hopeless:
The boat was small and the storm was really huge, and any moment they were going to be drowned. But the man sat silently, calm and quiet as if nothing was happening.

The woman was trembling and she said, “Are you not afraid ?”. This may be our last moment of life! It doesn’t seem that we will be able to reach the other shore. Only some miracle can save us otherwise, death is certain. Are you not afraid? Are you mad or something? Are you a stone or something?
The man laughed and took the sword out of its sheath. The woman was even more puzzled: What he was doing? Then he brought the naked sword close to the woman’s neck, so close that just a small gap was there, it was almost touching her neck.
He said,” Are you afraid ?”
She started to laugh and said,” Why should I be afraid? If the sword is in your hands, why I should be afraid? I know you love me.
” He put the sword back and said, This is my answer”. I know God Loves me, and the storm is in His hands.

So Believe in him(God) he knows what is best for us


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